Sunday Worship Services: 8:00 AM  and 10:30 AM 

Wednesday Service: 12:00 PM 


Emmanuel Episcopal Church

Acolytes  -  Acolytes participate in all scheduled services by carrying the candles or cross, or assisting at the altar. Emmanuel has an active acolyte ministry for boys and girls in grades 3 through 12. The youngest children start as Torch Bearers and progress up through Crucifer and Gospel Bearer to Senior Server.

Altar Guild  -  Members of the guild meet each Saturday morning to prepare for the Sunday services. Serving on the altar guild gives members a chance to continually reinforce their commitment to the church. The guild welcomes new members, both women and men.

Chapel  -  Children's Chapel takes place during the 10:30 service two times a month as announced.  Children are invited to join the gospel procession in the center aisle during the gradual hymn and depart for Chapel following the gospel reading. Children's Chapel begins with a song of praise, lighting of the candles and scripture of the day. The scripture provides a theme which may be explored in children's literature, crafts or music. The children return at the peace to celebrate Holy Communion with their families.  Emmanuel welcomes the sounds of children in worship. (So parents don't worry, your children won't be disturbing anyone.)

Greeters  -  Each Sunday, a designated greeter or two stands at the back of the church before and after each service to identify and make welcome those who are new to or visiting the church.  We have another group of individuals who bake and deliver bread to these visitors.  We are honored to welcome people in the name of Christ our Lord and to extend a hand of friendship.

Lay Eucharistic Ministers (LEMs)  -  LEMs participate in the worship service by leading prayers, reading scripture, and administering the chalice.  LEMs hold a monthly Saturday breakfast which provides fellowship and an opportunity to discuss and practice responsibilities pertaining to the services.

Music  -  Emmanuel has an incredible music program where people of all ages and abilities may use their gifts to glorify and praise God during worship services and community events.  The senior and bell choirs are composed of adults and youths, while younger children and youth are involved in “Choristers.”  “O come, let us sing unto the Lord; let us heartily rejoice in the strength of our salvation.”  The choir and bell ringers practice on Thursday evenings September - June..

Ushers  -  Ushers greet the people at all services, pass out the service bulletins, assist the infirm to their seats, take up the collection, and provide any assistance needed.   Usher teams are composed of men and women, young and old.