Sunday Worship Services: 8:00 AM  and 10:30 AM 

Wednesday Service: 12:00 PM 


Emmanuel Episcopal Church

Community Ministries

Hampton Roads Ecumenical Lodging & Provisions (H.E.L.P)  -  For over twenty years, Emmanuel Church has participated with H.E.L.P programs.
"A Night's Welcome"  -  For seventeen years, Emmanuel had opened her doors to the homeless during the winter months. Now, H.E.L.P. coordinates this program with a central for the homeless to stay, with Hampton churches providing a warm dinner and a breakfast to go.  While this program changed in 2020 due to COVID, it is still tremendously successful and provides an opportunity to participate in a "hands-on outreach." 

Community Food Pantry  -  On the first Sunday of each month a special collection of food is gathered in the parish to support a community food pantry administered by H.E.L.P.

Peninsula Pastoral Counseling Center (PPCC)   Through annual financial support, Emmanuel is a partner church with PPCC, a lifeline to families and individuals seeking support, offering a wide range of professional services based upon Christian principles. Pastoral counseling is available for family conflicts, substance abuse, major life changes such as divorce or family death, as well as other concerns.  PPCC's website

Twelve Step Programs   Alcoholics Anonymous meetings are held Monday nights at 7:00 PM and Saturday mornings at 8:00 AM. 

Jane Bryan Elementary School Partner  -  On September 12, 2006, Emmanuel signed a partnership covenant with Jane H. Bryan Elementary School in Phoebus. We provide support to the school by volunteering at the school, praying weekly for classes, and providing supplies during the school year.  The school's namesake was a long-time Emmanuel parishioner.  We're honored to partner with this school and to demonstrate to the children and their families that they and their education are important!  If you have extra time to volunteer at the school, please call the church office and leave your name.

Camp Chanco  -  Chanco on the James, an outdoor ministry of the Episcopal Diocese of Southern Virginia, is a residential co-ed camping experience for children and teens. It provides an opportunity for young people to discover God’s love as it is revealed in Jesus Christ. Learn more about Camp Chanco at its website at

Boys' Home  -  Emmanuel supports the Episcopal Boys home of Virginia through contributions and support in getting the word out about this important ministry in the Episcopal Community of Virginia. To learn more about this program (founded in 1906) please visit their website at

Jackson-Feild Home  -  Serving troubled teenagers who are referred by social services and the juvenile courts, Jackson-Feild designs programs including education, counseling, work experience, and Christian spiritual guidance.  For additional information please visit their website: