Sunday Worship Services: 8:00 AM  and 10:30 AM 

Wednesday Service: 12:00 PM 


Emmanuel Episcopal Church

​​Christian Formation - Programs on Sundays

Children - Chapel is during the later service in the Godly Play room.  Parents and children start the morning in sanctuary for the opening of the church service then head to chapel right before the Gospel and then return to the sanctuary during the Peace to participate in the Holy Communion.  There will be colored dots on the floor to help families be socially distant.  We're so excited to be able to offer a safe, fun children's program!


  • Adult Forum [9:30-10:15 AM]
  • YEAs (Youngish Episcopal Adults) [9:15-10:15 AM] - Join Margaret Parker in the Library for an opportunity to explore daily life with God through a variety of Christian authors and readings.

Christian Formation - Programs During the Week

Education for Ministry (EfM)  -  Emmanuel offers this four-year intensive theological education course, developed and sponsored by the University of the South, designed to prepare lay people for their ministry. Participants, who must enroll for the year in September, commit to attending weekly sessions with outside reading and assignments.  The seminar meets on Mondays at 10 AM.

Wednesday Bible Studies 

  • 11 AM - 12:00 PM - WOW - Women of the Word
  • 5:00 PM - Daily Lectionary