Sunday Worship Services: 8:00 AM  and 10:30 AM 

Wednesday Service: 12:00 PM 


Emmanuel Episcopal Church


Mission & Community Outreach  -  Emmanuel is blessed to have a very mission-minded congregation who is always willing to participate in local, national and international mission projects. Since we began concentrating on mission in 2003, teams have traveled to Belize, West Virginia, New Orleans, Mississippi, New York City; Tarboro & Fayettevile, NC; and Kissimmee, FL.  Just as importantly, we serve our sisters and brothers locally be through a number of ministries.  Come explore where God may be calling you to serve!

Pastoral Care  -  One of the privileges of being a community of faith is the opportunities it provides to serve each other.  Emmanuel’s "Pastoral Care" programs provide those opportunities to be Christ’s hands and feet to each other.

Fellowship  -  Another of the privileges of being a community of faith is the opportunities it provides to know each other.  Emmanuel’s  "Fellowship" programs provide those opportunities to get to know and care about our brothers and sisters beyond the smile and handshake on Sunday morning. 


Christian Formation  -  At Emmanuel, we see Christian Formation as a life long process and so offer a variety of programs to help children, youth and adults grow in their relationship with Christ and mature to be effective witnesses of the Gospel. The children's programs are fun and engaging, Biblically grounded, with plenty of love for all.
The youth programs bring practical application of Christian values into play as well as prepare our young people to make their baptismal and confirmation vows a reality. The adult programs range from topical studies of current issues, theological explorations, denominational history, to everyday spirituality. Come grow with us.


Stewardship  -  We believe that we owe a huge debt of gratitude to God for the many blessings that he heaps on us day after day and year after year. Yet, God asks for only a portion of what we have in return for all that he gives us. That’s quite a bargain really.
We also believe that we can give back to God in several ways. By using our time and talents (that God has given us) in church ministries, we honor God by carrying out ministry in his name. We also know that money is a tool that is necessary to carry out many other functions that cannot be done through time and talents alone. So we are asked to provide a portion of our money back to God through Emmanuel in order that many functions and ministries may thrive.

"Every Perfect Gift" is the theme for the 2021/22 stewardship year.  A new theme starts in September.