Sunday Worship Services: 8:00 AM  and 10:30 AM 

Wednesday Service: 12:00 PM 


Emmanuel Episcopal Church


Many faces, one faith.

We are a diverse group of believers united by our shared faith in a loving God. 

Who We Are

  1. Serve ...                              During worship, on the mission team, or with the care givers.  Where is God calling you?

  2. Learn ...                               Through adult, youth & children's formation classes; Education for Ministry (EFM); or Bible Study.  Where are you on your faith journey?

  3. Give ...                                Of your time, talent, and treasure.  How can you respond to God's call?

Our Calling


                        Is to His way of Love.
Our Ministry is caring for each other and                                  serving God in His world.
We welcome you to explore our website!