Sunday Worship Services: 8:00 AM  and 10:30 AM 

Wednesday Service: 12:00 PM 


Emmanuel Episcopal Church

Fellowship & Support

Breakfast Sundays  -  Returning in October 2022, on the first Sunday of the month at 9:00 AM, the parishioners of Emmanuel gather for a Parish breakfast, a wonderful spread of hot and hearty breakfast casseroles, fruits, homemade muffins, scones, jams, and other culinary delights. This has become a wonderful time of fellowship for the parish that has helped bind us together as a Christian Community.  Groups & committees within the parish take turns hosting these breakfasts.

Daughters of the King  -  The order is a community of women bound together by love and a common vow to live a life of prayer and service supporting the total ministry of the Church.  Emmanuel is home to the St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Chapter. 

Episcopal Church Women  -  The ECW, consisting of all women in the parish, is an organization of Christian women supporting each other as we rally in support of our church by providing food and/or time for church receptions, offering bereavement assistance, assisting in outreach projects by assembling or donating supplies, giving time at fundraisers, and by simply spending time with each other in and out of church.
The two circles, Grady and Kaiser-Reese, meet monthly to provide the women of the parish the opportunity to socialize and organize other outreach activities.  For additional information, please contact the office at 757-723-8144 or email:

Emmanuel Cafe  -  Join us for coffee and refreshments at 9:00 AM in the parish hall or join us after the 10:30 AM service for coffee and refreshments.  This is a time to talk to your friends or meet new people. 

Adventurers  -  We are going on adventures throughout the year and want to take you with us! The adventures will vary and hopefully all will be interesting & fun.  Sometimes the adventure will be a day trip coupled with lunch and at other times it will just be lunch at an interesting restaurant or location.  We will generally go on the 4th Saturday of the month and we carpool from the church to the adventure site.  You may check the church calendar for each month's adventure!